Hello from sensational Savannah, Georgia USA!

Come and join us in this fabulous southern city tucked away in a secluded little corner of The great state of Georgia! We are very close to one of the nicest stretches of islands and beaches on the east coast.... By the way, we are THE prettiest small city anywhere in the USA. Basically, it is our "floor Plan" - our town plan is designed in such a way that everywhere you go will open up vista after vista of gorgeous tree scapes, parks, historic architecture and a people scape that will knock you out!


Posted by Ron Melander October 10th, 2007

I have always thought that one of urban Savannah’s greatest untapped assets are those previously unused and often times neglected spaces on the roofs of both the residential and commercial buildings here. When I launched my gardening business in downtown Savannah in January of 1999,....

Landmark Historic District

Click the link above for a high resolution map

Follow the link to a very handy map of the Historic District.

Smart Car

Your Smart Car Agent

Three cylinders. Two Seater. 35 to 50 miles per gallon. ALL FUN!!!!

Ellis Square

Posted by Ron Melander November 2007

The Ellis Square Project includes the redevelopment of one of the six original squares laid out by James Oglethorpe. The project will provide a new interactive community square and underground parking. A public/private venture, these improvements will occur simultaneously....

The Smart Car hits the road!

Posted by Ron Melander On 11:26 AM

More than one or two of the people who have heard my “green” move to use a three cylinder two seater (getting 35 to 50 miles per gallon) as my basic mode of transportation have raised their eyebrows suspiciously. I have heard “what happened to the rest of it!” and “boy, I'd hate to see you in a smash up!” But for the few skeptics I offer the following video clip of just how well these things handle themselves in a crash situation. and for those who can't believe how well these operate on the open road and how fast they can go, check out this race with a Ferrari And finally for those of you who say it is not green enough because it still relies on Gasoline you will be glad to know that they have been engineered to take a new a as yet undeveloped power train that will be even greener!

Everyday though, people constantly look and point and what I like about it the best are the smiles! This car makes people happy and I am so glad to be able to add a little joy to the world. And if you ever really want to become a believer, come take a test drive because that is what sold me. These little guys know how to handle themselves. Call me, I will be glad to let you drive it! If you really love it and have to have one, call my friend Alex Shelver at the Smart Center in Jacksonville, our nearest authorized dealer. 904-253-7300 and tell him I sent you, he may just be able to put you on a parallel list they keep for those buyers who do not take delivery for some reason - mine was supposed to have leather seats so when the buyer passed on it. I had the call on a Wednesday and on Saturday I was doing amazingly well on I95 all the way back to Savannah. One young couple, as I was almost at home in Savannah, pulled up beside me smiling (they we so cute) and snapped pictures!

Oh, and buying real estate? Don't worry, there is still Jim’s good old 2004 four door Volvo for those group property tours!

Until Next Week,

Ron Melander

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