Hello from sensational Savannah, Georgia USA!

Come and join us in this fabulous southern city tucked away in a secluded little corner of The great state of Georgia! We are very close to one of the nicest stretches of islands and beaches on the east coast.... By the way, we are THE prettiest small city anywhere in the USA. Basically, it is our "floor Plan" - our town plan is designed in such a way that everywhere you go will open up vista after vista of gorgeous tree scapes, parks, historic architecture and a people scape that will knock you out!


Posted by Ron Melander October 10th, 2007

I have always thought that one of urban Savannah’s greatest untapped assets are those previously unused and often times neglected spaces on the roofs of both the residential and commercial buildings here. When I launched my gardening business in downtown Savannah in January of 1999,....

Landmark Historic District

Click the link above for a high resolution map

Follow the link to a very handy map of the Historic District.

Smart Car

Your Smart Car Agent

Three cylinders. Two Seater. 35 to 50 miles per gallon. ALL FUN!!!!

Ellis Square

Posted by Ron Melander November 2007

The Ellis Square Project includes the redevelopment of one of the six original squares laid out by James Oglethorpe. The project will provide a new interactive community square and underground parking. A public/private venture, these improvements will occur simultaneously....

Sunny Days in Savannah

Posted by Ron Melander On 11:20 AM
Growing up in New York State was wonderful. I lived in a house facing Saratoga Lake on land that my grandfather gave my father. Our family had the sort of thing being talked about now – it was like one of those family compounds with an uncle nearby and my grandparents around the bend. But it was really much bigger than that with a pond, gardens and farmland, a barn and the Indian Hill. There was miles of swamp land too and of course the lake. My grandparent’s house was originally known as Turtle Point Farm and many years ago they sold it to a group called the Saratoga Sailing Club. What a sweet spot that is, both now and in the memories of many of the Melander clan and our extended families plus those who came before us.

But this is the time of year I always hated the most. As we approach our winter solstice I am reminded by my current lethargy of SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder. I was never diagnosed mind you but I know I had it. I would get cranky, have a shorter temper and sometimes just be downright depressed. We would often get six solid weeks of NO sun. Grey sky day after day after day. AND it felt cold and damp much of the time, Yuck!

Thank GOD for Savannah! One thing about our climate here is the sunshine. Out of 365 days we have something like 320 days of sun! And other than some unpredictable short spells of cold (does not compare to the northeast or the Midwest), our winter days in Savannah often feel like spring. Some people call it our fifth season. I love it! AND I do not get affected by SAD any longer. I still slow down a little bit this time of the year though but everything here in the south is much more gentle anyway. The weather here has an amazing affect on us all. I highly recomend it and I know you'll agree!

Recent interesting “area one” under contract:

7 East Jones $1,200,000

515 Tattnall Street $649,500

106 E Taylor Street $600,000

220 East 33rd (upper) $259,000

530 East Anderson Street $299,900

Recent interesting “area one” Solds:

819 Whitaker $979,000

416 Macon $875,000

318 Habersham $865,000

805 Whitaker - several units sold and under contract priced in the mid twos

125 E Broad - several units sold and under contract priced in the mid to upper ones

Until next week,

Ron Melander

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