Hello from sensational Savannah, Georgia USA!

Come and join us in this fabulous southern city tucked away in a secluded little corner of The great state of Georgia! We are very close to one of the nicest stretches of islands and beaches on the east coast.... By the way, we are THE prettiest small city anywhere in the USA. Basically, it is our "floor Plan" - our town plan is designed in such a way that everywhere you go will open up vista after vista of gorgeous tree scapes, parks, historic architecture and a people scape that will knock you out!


Posted by Ron Melander October 10th, 2007

I have always thought that one of urban Savannah’s greatest untapped assets are those previously unused and often times neglected spaces on the roofs of both the residential and commercial buildings here. When I launched my gardening business in downtown Savannah in January of 1999,....

Landmark Historic District

Click the link above for a high resolution map

Follow the link to a very handy map of the Historic District.

Smart Car

Your Smart Car Agent

Three cylinders. Two Seater. 35 to 50 miles per gallon. ALL FUN!!!!

Ellis Square

Posted by Ron Melander November 2007

The Ellis Square Project includes the redevelopment of one of the six original squares laid out by James Oglethorpe. The project will provide a new interactive community square and underground parking. A public/private venture, these improvements will occur simultaneously....


Posted by Ron Melander On 11:18 AM
I woke up today to the sound of a loud explosion. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 4:30AM and thought to myself, what WAS that? It really sounded like gunshots. We downtown residents tend to think that way (especially those of us on the outer edges - if you can call Forsyth Park the outer edge - you can tell I've been here awhile). After all, it was the time of night when the bars have been closed for awhile, so people can be out on the street. But as I gazed out my window I noticed smoke and then more and more very black smoke and I knew it was a fire. So I called 911 and headed out the door to look and sure enough, a car, parked in a vacant lot, was fully involved. So after the obligatory conversation with the neighbors immediately across from the fire, and knowing they were ok and that it was being taken care of by the police and fire departments, I headed back one block to the house.

As I focused back on home life and work I thought to myself that I had not called my client in Japan last night and I really should call her this morning. When I did, it was 9:15AM our time, 11:15PM for her!

SO WHAT TIME IS IT? What time is it REALLY? Well it really does depend on your perspective doesn’t it? More on aspects of time and how the Internet helps bridge the gap in a future blog…..

And where am I? If you can tell me where the picture above was taken, I'll give you a big hug! Really! Street and Address please. The window screen probably came from Bonaventure Cemetery or Laurel Grove Cemetery originally and may have a family connection to the House where these currently reside. I will e-mail you another clue if you need help once we have given everyone a little time to guess.

Until Next Week,

Ron Melander

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    Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani